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Bases: Model

Abstract model for representing an entity owned by a user with toggles for either allowing submissions for it and public access. Defaults to completely private by default.


Name Type Description
public bool

is this object public to any authenticated user? Default: False

allow_submissions bool

allow other users to submit child objects? Default: False. Not implemented yet.

owner User

The user that created this object.


Bases: TimeStampedModel

An object for using to track usage stats for CharacterGroup.


Name Type Description
group SourceGroup

The group this is collecting stats for.

quotes_requested int

The number of times a quote from this object or its children has been requested.

quotes_generated int

The number of times a markov quote has been generated for this or it's children.


Bases: AbstractOwnerModel, RulesModelMixin, TimeStampedModel

A quote from a given source. A user must own the related source to add or delete a quote.


Name Type Description
id int

Database primary key for the object.

quote str

The quote text to use. You can use Markdown for styling. Must be <= 280 characters for tweets

citation str | None

Optional description of quote source, e.g. episode number or book title.

citation_url str | None

Optional accompanying URL for the citation.

pub_date datetime | None

Date and time when the quote was published.

source Source

The source of this quote.

owner User

The user that created and owns this quote.

created datetime

When this object was first created. Auto-generated.

modified datetime

Last time this object was modified. Auto-generated.

quote_rendered property

quote_rendered: str

Return the markdown rendered version of the quote.


Bases: Exception

An exception raised when a quote corpus fails to generate.


Bases: TimeStampedModel

A simple object used to track how often an individual quote is used.


Name Type Description
id int

The database primary key of this object.

quote Quote

The quote this stat relates to.

times_used int

The number of times this has been used by an service such as random quote.

created datetime

When this was created.

modified datetime

When this was last modified.


Bases: AbstractOwnerModel, RulesModelMixin, TimeStampedModel

An individual source to attribute the quote to in the system, such as a character from a podcast/book, or a specific author. A user must be the owner of the related SourceGroup to add or delete a source.


Name Type Description
id int

Database primary key for the object.

name str

Unique name of a character within a CharacterGroup for this entity.

group SourceGroup

The parent SourceGroup.

slug str

Slug made up of a generated version of the character name and the group slug prefix.

description str

Description for the character. Markdown can be used for styling.

allow_markov bool

Allow markov quotes to be requested from this character? Default False.

owner User

The user that created and owns this character.

public bool

Is the character public to other users? Defaults to False.

allow_submissions bool

Allow other users to submit quotes for this character? Defaults to False.

text_model MarkovTextModel | None

The current text_model.

created datetime

When this object was first created. Auto-generated.

modified datetime

Last time this object was modified. Auto-generated.

description_rendered property

description_rendered: str

Return the markdown rendered version of the description.

markov_ready property

markov_ready: bool

Conducts sanity checks to see if requesting a markov chain is feasible. Markov must be enabled for a character and there must be a sufficient corpus to generate a sentence from. Currently set at a minimum of 10 quotes.


Type Description

If ready for markov requests.

aadd_new_quote_to_model async

    quote_to_add: (
        Quote | Iterable[Quote] | AsyncIterable[Quote]
) -> None

Allows adding a new quote to the source's (and group's) text model without parsing the whole corpus. Note that deleting or editing a quote will still require a full re-ingest of the corpus to remove old data.


Name Type Description Default
quote_to_add Quote | Iterable[Quote] | AsyncIterable[Quote]

A Quote instance, or an iterable of Quote instances to add to the source text model.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
async def aadd_new_quote_to_model(self, quote_to_add: Quote | Iterable[Quote] | AsyncIterable[Quote]) -> None:
    """Allows adding a new quote to the source's (and group's) text model without parsing the whole corpus.
    Note that deleting or editing a quote will still require a full re-ingest of the corpus to remove old data.

        quote_to_add (Quote | Iterable[Quote] | AsyncIterable[Quote]): A Quote instance, or an iterable of Quote
            instances to add to the source text model.
    if self.allow_markov and await self.quote_set.acount() > 10 and self.text_model is not None:  # noqa: PLR2004
        if not
            await self.aupdate_markov_model()
            if is None:  # no cov
       = await MarkovTextModel.objects.acreate()
            if isinstance(quote_to_add, AsyncIterable | QuerySet):
                corpus_entries = [quote.quote async for quote in quote_to_add]
            elif isinstance(quote_to_add, Iterable):
                corpus_entries = [quote.quote for quote in quote_to_add]
                corpus_entries = [quote_to_add.quote]
                await self.text_model.aadd_new_corpus_data_to_model(corpus_entries=corpus_entries)
            except ValueError as ve:  # no cov
                msg = f"Unable to combine models: {ve}"
                raise QuoteCorpusError(msg) from ve
            except MarkovCombineError as mce:
                msg = f"Unable to add data to model: {mce}"
                raise QuoteCorpusError(msg) from mce
            except MarkovEmptyError as mee:
                msg = f"Cannot add a quote with no text to model: {mee}"
                raise QuoteCorpusError(msg) from mee


add_new_quote_to_model(quote_to_add: Quote) -> None

Sync wrapper for aadd_new_quote_to_model. Allows adding a new quote to the source's text model without parsing the whole corpus. Note that deleting or editing a quote will still require a full re-ingest of the corpus to remove old data.


Name Type Description Default
quote_to_add Quote

A quote to add to the source text model.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def add_new_quote_to_model(self, quote_to_add: Quote) -> None:
    """Sync wrapper for `aadd_new_quote_to_model`.
    Allows adding a new quote to the source's text model without parsing the whole corpus.
    Note that deleting or editing a quote will still require a full re-ingest of the corpus to remove old data.

        quote_to_add (Quote): A quote to add to the source text model.

aupdate_markov_model async

aupdate_markov_model() -> None

Process all quotes into the associated model.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
async def aupdate_markov_model(self) -> None:
    Process all quotes into the associated model.
    if await self._amarkov_ready():
        await self.text_model.aupdate_model_from_corpus(  # type: ignore
            corpus_entries=[quote.quote async for quote in self.quote_set.all()],


    max_characters: int | None = 280, tries: int = 20
) -> str | None

If valid, generate a markov sentence. If not, return None.


Name Type Description Default
max_characters int | None

Maximum number of characters allowed in resulting sentence.

tries int

Number of times django_markov may try to generate sentence.



Type Description
str | None

The resulting sentence or None if a sentence could not be formed.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def get_markov_sentence(self, max_characters: int | None = 280, tries: int = 20) -> str | None:
    If valid, generate a markov sentence. If not, return None.

        max_characters (int | None): Maximum number of characters allowed in
            resulting sentence.
        tries (int): Number of times django_markov may try to generate sentence.

        (str | None): The resulting sentence or None if a sentence could not be formed.
    if not max_characters:  # no cov
        max_characters = 280
    logger.debug("Checking to see if character is markov ready...")
    if self.markov_ready and self.text_model is not None:
        logger.debug("It IS ready. Fetching markov model.")
        markov_model = self.text_model
        if not markov_model.is_ready:
            logger.debug("No model defined yet, generating...")
        logger.debug("Markov text model loaded. Generating sentence.")
        sentence: str | None = markov_model.generate_sentence(char_limit=max_characters, tries=tries)
        if sentence is not None:
            return sentence
    return None


    max_quotes_to_process: (
        int | None
) -> Any | None

This actually not all that random. It's going to grab the quotes ordered ordered by how infrequently they've been returned, and then grab a random one in the set. But for our purposes, it's fine. If there aren't any quotes, it will return None.


Name Type Description Default
max_quotes_to_process int | None

Maximum number of quotes to retrive before selecting at random.



Type Description
Quote | None

The quote object or None if no quotes found.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def get_random_quote(self, max_quotes_to_process: int | None = MAX_QUOTES_FOR_RANDOM_SET) -> Any | None:
    This actually not all that random. It's going to grab the quotes
    ordered ordered by how infrequently they've been returned, and then grab a random one
    in the set. But for our purposes, it's fine. If there aren't any quotes, it will return None.

        max_quotes_to_process (int | None): Maximum number of quotes to retrive before
            selecting at random.

        (Quote | None): The quote object or None if no quotes found.
    quotes_to_pick = (
        .filter(models.Q(pub_date__isnull=True) | models.Q(
    if quotes_to_pick.exists():
        # Select a random index in the result set.
        quote_to_return = random.choice(list(quotes_to_pick))  # noqa: S311
        quote_random_retrieved.send(type(self), instance=self, quote_retrieved=quote_to_return)
        return quote_to_return
    return None


save(*args, **kwargs)

Save and create slug, if missing.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Save and create slug, if missing."""
    if not self.slug:
        self.slug = generate_unique_slug_for_model(type(self), text=f"{} {}")
    super().save(*args, **kwargs)


update_markov_model() -> None

Sync wrapper around aupdate_markov_model.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def update_markov_model(self) -> None:
    Sync wrapper around `aupdate_markov_model`.


Bases: AbstractOwnerModel, RulesModelMixin, TimeStampedModel

An abstract group or source for a given set of quotes. Multiple sources, or Source objects, can belong to the same group. For example, a novel or series if you plan to quote the characters within individually.


Name Type Description
id int

Database primary key for the object.

name str

Human readable string to name the group. This will be converted to a slug prefix.

description str

A description of the group for convenience. Markdown can be used here for styling.

owner User

The user that created the group and therefore owns it.

public bool

Is this group public or private. Defaults to False.

allow_submissions bool

Allow other users to submit characters to this. Not yet implemented.

slug str

A unique slug to represent this group. Generated automatically from name.

text_model MarkovTextModel | None

The current text model.

created datetime

When this object was first created. Auto-generated.

modified datetime

Last time this object was modified. Auto-generated.

description_rendered property

description_rendered: str

Return the markdown rendered version of the description.

aupdate_markov_model async

    additional_model: MarkovTextModel | None = None,
) -> None

Updates the related MarkovTextModel.


Name Type Description Default
additional_model MarkovTextModel | None

An additional model to include in the combination. Useful for pre_save signals for a source that is newly enabling allow_markov.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
async def aupdate_markov_model(self, additional_model: MarkovTextModel | None = None) -> None:
    """Updates the related MarkovTextModel.

        additional_model (MarkovTextModel | None): An additional model to include in the combination. Useful for
            pre_save signals for a source that is newly enabling allow_markov.
    if self.text_model is not None:
        sources = (
            .filter(allow_markov=True, text_model__data__isnull=False)
        markov_sources = sources.annotate(num_quotes=Count("quote")).filter(num_quotes__gt=10)
        models_to_combine = []
        if additional_model is not None:
        if await markov_sources.aexists():
            models_to_combine += [source.text_model async for source in markov_sources]
        if len(models_to_combine) > 0:
            if len(models_to_combine) > 1:
                new_text_model, num_combined = await self.text_model.acombine_models(
                    models_to_combine, mode="strict", return_type="text_model"
                if not isinstance(new_text_model, POSifiedText):  # no cov
                    msg = "Only an instance of POSifiedText is allowed when updating the SourceGroup text_model!"
                    raise TypeError(msg)
       = new_text_model.to_json()  # type: ignore
                # There is a only a single source
                source = models_to_combine[0]
            await self.text_model.asave()


    max_characters: int = 280, tries: int = 20
) -> str | None

Generate a markov sentence based on quotes from markov enabled characters for the group.


Name Type Description Default
max_characters int

Maximum characters allowed in the resulting sentence.

tries int

Maximum number of tries django_markov should use to create the sentence.



Type Description
str | None

The generated sentence or None if no sentence was possible for the number of tries.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def generate_markov_sentence(self, max_characters: int = 280, tries: int = 20) -> str | None:
    Generate a markov sentence based on quotes from markov enabled characters for the group.

        max_characters (int): Maximum characters allowed in the resulting sentence.
        tries (int): Maximum number of tries django_markov should use to create the sentence.

        (str | None): The generated sentence or None if no sentence was possible for the number
            of tries.
    if self.markov_ready and self.text_model is not None:
        logger.debug("Group is ready for markov sentences. Checking model...")
        mmodel = self.text_model
        if not mmodel.is_ready:
            logger.debug("Markov model for group is not generated yet! Generating...")
        logger.debug("Generating sentence...")
        sentence: str | None = mmodel.generate_sentence(char_limit=max_characters, tries=tries)
        if sentence is not None:
            logger.debug(f"Returning generated sentence: '{sentence}'")
            return sentence
    logger.debug("Group is not ready for markov requests yet!")
    return None


    max_quotes_to_process: (
        int | None
) -> Any

Get a random quote object from any of the characters defined within the group. Prioritizes quotes that have been returned less often.


Name Type Description Default
max_quotes_to_process int | None

Maximum number of quotes to retrieve before selecting a random one.



Type Description

(Quote | None) Quote object or None if no quotes are found.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def get_random_quote(self, max_quotes_to_process: int | None = MAX_QUOTES_FOR_RANDOM_GROUP_SET) -> Any:
    Get a random quote object from any of the characters defined within the group.
    Prioritizes quotes that have been returned less often.

        max_quotes_to_process (int | None): Maximum number of quotes to retrieve before
            selecting a random one.

         (Quote | None) Quote object or None if no quotes are found.
    # TODO: Create Q object to filter for null datetimes or less than now.
    quotes = (
        .filter(models.Q(pub_date__isnull=True) | models.Q(
    if quotes.exists():
        quote = random.choice(list(quotes))  # noqa: S311
        quote_random_retrieved.send(type(quote.source), instance=quote.source, quote_retrieved=quote)
        return quote
    return None


markov_ready() -> bool

Checks to see if there are Markov enabled sources and sufficient quotes.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def markov_ready(self) -> bool:
    """Checks to see if there are Markov enabled sources and sufficient quotes."""
    if (
        self.markov_sources > 0
        and self.text_model is not None
        and Quote.objects.filter(source__in=self.source_set.filter(allow_markov=True)).count() > 10  # noqa:PLR2004
        return True
    return False


markov_sources() -> int

Total number of Markov sources for the group.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def markov_sources(self) -> int:
    """Total number of Markov sources for the group."""
    return Source.objects.filter(group=self, allow_markov=True).count()


refresh_from_db(*args, **kwargs)

Also reset cached properties.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def refresh_from_db(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Also reset cached properties.
    super().refresh_from_db(*args, **kwargs)
    cached_properties = ["total_sources", "markov_sources", "total_quotes"]
    for prop in cached_properties:
            del self.__dict__[prop]
        except KeyError:  # pragma: nocover


save(*args, **kwargs)

Save and create slug if missing.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Save and create slug if missing."""
    if not self.slug:  # Once this slug is set, it does not change except through devil pacts
        logger.debug("Group is being saved and a slug was provided.")
        self.slug = generate_unique_slug_for_model(model_class=type(self),
    super().save(*args, **kwargs)


total_quotes() -> int

Total quotes for the group.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def total_quotes(self) -> int:
    """Total quotes for the group."""
    return Quote.objects.filter(source__in=Source.objects.filter(group=self)).count()


total_sources() -> int

Total number of sources for the group.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def total_sources(self) -> int:
    """Total number of sources for the group."""
    return Source.objects.filter(group=self).count()


    additional_model: MarkovTextModel | None = None,
) -> None

Updates the related MarkovTextModel.

Source code in src/django_quotes/
def update_markov_model(self, additional_model: MarkovTextModel | None = None) -> None:
    """Updates the related MarkovTextModel."""


Bases: TimeStampedModel

An object for using to track usage stats for Character.


Name Type Description
source Source

The source this is collecting stats for.

quotes_requested int

The number of times a quote from this object or its children has been requested.

quotes_generated int

The number of times a markov quote has been generated for this or it's children.


Bases: Model

Automatically adds a created and modified field.