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Django Podcast Analyzer

A simple Django app that allows you to follow the feeds of various podcasts and glean interesting information from them.

PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI - Versions from Framework Classifiers Black code style Pre-commit License uv Ruff Security: bandit Checked with pyright Semantic Versions Test results Coverage Status Documentation


This is early stage! Things that still need to be done:

  • Improved third party analytics detection.
  • Improved podcast host company detection.
  • Improved docs.


Via pip:

python -m pip install django-podcast-analyzer

Via uv:

uv pip install django-podcast-analyzer

Then add it and our dependencies to your list of installed apps.


# Your setup may vary.
    "django.contrib.messages",  # Optional
    # Here are our explict dependencies

We use tagulous for tagging podcasts and django-q2 to handle the scheduled tasks related to fetching feeds and processing them. See the documentation for both of those projects to identify any additional configuration needed.

Add it to your

# Your root

from django.urls import include, path

urlpatterns = [
    path("podcasts/", include("podcast_analyzer.urls", namespace="podcasts")),

Then run your migrations.

python migrate

You'll also want to seed the database with the known iTunes categories for podcasts. You can do this via the provided management command. It will only do so if the respective tables are empty so you won't get duplicates.

python seed_database_itunes

In order to run the application, you will also need to spawn a django-q cluster using python qcluster. You can also use a runner like honcho or a Supervisor app.

Other Recommendations

For storage of podcast art and other media, it's recommended you consider using something like django-storages.


Contributions are welcome! See our contributing guide for details.